
Technology: Wait, there’s more “stuff” that you don’t have easy access to!

A Safety Officer’s workplace is often a nightmare of folders, disorganised paperwork, papers, folders and more folders; mixed with checklists, spreadsheets and templates. 

Action OHS Consulting is often engaged to undertake safety audits. The nervous Safety Officer that greets us is not an irregularity. Whilst there is no need to be nervous – I get it. Folders for incidents, folders for chemicals, folders full of meeting and training records, spreadsheets acting as risk registers, contractor registers and incident registers partly in Excel with the other part in either Word or Access, not to mention email chain after email chain. This form of management often means that in addition to the desktop audit, we are also engaged to visit multiple sites to “verify” safety performance.

This form of management, to the surprise of the client, regularly leads to gaps in the implementation of the Safety Management Plan that are only picked up when we are on-site. Whilst the client will continue to unsuccessfully search for the requested safety record, is this gap due to the safety record being misplaced, lost, or not completed – we will never know.

There has to be an easier way – and there is. With technology advancing, cloud and web-based solutions are becoming more relevant and accessible.

Cloud based software provides a more efficient and transparent way of working. Automated reminders and remote visibility of implementation, the days of the Safety Officer having to be on-site to “influence” safety is quickly disappearing. Influencing safety is about impacting behaviours and empowering site management to talk and manage safety ongoing. It is about understanding the ‘pain points’ associated with the implementation of your workplace’s health and safety system, with a view to continuously improve these. If a Safety Officer “needs” to be on-site for “safety to happen”; the issue is not safety; it is the knowledge and/or skills of your workplace managers.

The endless nightmare of paper files, or records stored on hard drives, shared over email – restricts the Safety Officer to do their job. It restricts the Safety Officer’s ability to access information to verify and monitor performance when they are not at the workplace.  It moves their role from being a safety leader or coach, to a safety compliance officer. It restricts their ability to influence which limits their ability to improve safety performance.

From our experience, it is obvious that most businesses are keen to take a step forward…some, however, are unsure how to.

Setting up a system that facilitates remote access to workplace specific information such as: incident records and registers; programmed tasks or events; chemical registers; and, maintenance or contractor registers, will allows the Safety Officer to monitor, gather knowledge, and then influence. If the system can also guide your workplace stakeholders of “what they need to do” by email or text message – surely this only makes implementation of your safety system more easy.

With technology progressing, change is imminent and now is an opportune time to consider if you want to lead or follow.

If you are looking to head down the technology pathway, before you start the conversation with providers, take some time to identify what “you want” from a cloud based software system. Consider your current stressors and pain points. Identify your “not negotiables” and “it would be nice if it could”. Be aware that you will be dealing with businesses that have a commercial interest in your decision, meaning that there is a lot of “slick” marketing out there designed to confuse and convince you that their option is the only fit for you. Start the conversation. Ask questions. Ask alot of questions, making sure you think about who you are dealing with. For example, are you dealing with a software company that is knowledgeable about software? Or, a safety focused company that is knowledgeable about software and safety? | | 1300 101 OHS | 1300 101 647

Action OHS Consulting Newsletter – Building a Safe Workplace Together (February 2016)

Building a Safe Workplace Together_Feb16Please find Action OHS Consulting’s February 2016 edition of our 4-monthly newsletter Building a Safe Workplace Together.

In this edition we have reviewed the Health and Safety prosecutions listed by WorkSafe Victoria and Safe Work NSW for 2015 as of 31 January 2016, providing an overview of: (i) number of prosecutions, (ii) average and median fine amounts; and (iii) with the criteria/code attached to the prosecution. The criteria/code makes for some interesting reading and will guide the articles we present in future newsletters. In addition we have looked at strategic planning for safety; ask the question, are you training for compliance or safety? and review the role OHS Software is playing in today’s workplace.

To stay up to date with topical health and safety news and events please “Connect” with us on LinkedIn, or find us on Facebook or Twitter.  If you would like to be placed on our future mailing list please contact us.

Action OHS Consulting Newsletter – Building a Safe Workplace Together (October 2015)

Building a Safe Workplace Together

Please find Action OHS Consulting’s October 2015 edition of our 4-monthly newsletter Building a Safe Workplace Together.

In this edition we take a look at: contractor management and what all businesses large and small should consider; the recently updated WorkSafe Victoria’s updated Injury Hot Spots tool; factors that impact long term learning – do you consider the impacts of “blocked” and “random” practice when developing your training programs? along with two recent health and safety prosecution results.

To stay up to date with topical health and safety news and events please “Connect” with us on LinkedIn, or find us on Facebook or Twitter.  If you would like to be placed on our future mailing list please contact us.

Action OHS Consulting Newsletter – Building a Safe Workplace Together (June 2015)

Building a Safe Workplace Together_June15Please find Action OHS Consulting’s June 2015 edition of our 4-monthly newsletter Building a Safe Workplace Together.

In this edition we take a look what makes workplace inspections effective and look at the responsibilities of both the workplace and workers regarding personal protective equipment (PPE). In addition, we provide a short overview of what incidents are notifiable to your state regulator and incorporate advice regarding changes to the Healthy Eating Pyramid.

To stay up to date with topical health and safety news and events please “Connect” with us on LinkedIn, or find us on Facebook or Twitter.  If you would like to be placed on our future mailing list please contact us.

Action OHS Consulting Newsletter – Building a Safe Workplace Together (February 2015)

Building a Safe Workplace Together_Feb15

Please find Action OHS Consulting’s February 2015 edition of our 4-monthly newsletter Building a Safe Workplace Together.

In this edition we take a look at your role as a safety professional in managing the current “sit-stand workstation” phenomenon. In addition to this, we have investigated ways to support you manage potentially fatal machinery, looked to assist you to establish health and safety performance indicators, and provided an overview of what work requires a High-Risk Work (HRW) Licence.

To stay up to date with topical health and safety news and events please “Connect” with us on LinkedIn, for find us on Facebook or Twitter.  If you would like to be placed on our future mailing list please contact us.

Action OHS Consulting Newsletter – Building a Safe Workplace Together (October 2014)

Building a Safe Workplace Together_Oct14_CoverPlease find Action OHS Consulting’s October 2014 edition of our 4-monthly newsletter Building a Safe Workplace Together.

In this edition we take a look at the recent legislation changes that have taken place in Victoria and South Australia and direct you to the current Codes of Practices endorsed by Safe Work Australia. We also take a look at the impact and inefficiency of paper in the office as businesses start to move toward cloud based systems of health and safety management & the risk associated with silica dust in construction work.

To stay up to date with topical health and safety news and events please “Connect” with us on LinkedIn, for find us on Facebook or Twitter.  If you would like to be placed on our future mailing list please contact us.

Action OHS Consulting Newsletter – Building a Safe Workplace Together (June 2014)

Building a Safe Workplace Together_June14_Cover

Please find Action OHS Consulting’s June 2014 edition of our 4-monthly newsletter Building a Safe Workplace Together.

Along with introducing our online shop, in this edition we have provided an overview of the health and safety duties placed on employees and presented some foreseeable hazards that you should be considering to assess if there is a pregnant employee at your workplace. Additionally, we have included Health and Safety legislation updated.

To stay up to date with topical health and safety news and events please “Connect” with us on LinkedIn, for find us on Facebook or Twitter.  If you would like to be placed on our future mailing list please contact us.

Action OHS Consulting Newsletter – Building a Safe Workplace Together (February 2014)

Building a Safe Workplace Together - Feb 2014Please find Action OHS Consulting’s February 2014 edition of our 4-monthly newsletter Building a Safe Workplace Together.

In this edition, we look into methods that you may use to support your business achieve its OHS goals and targets,  we have also provided a review of the changes to the management of workplace bullying in line with the Fair Work Act 2009 and included an update of the current position of the Work Health and Safety legislation. Additionally, we have commentary on our OHS Management System software and online training tools.

To stay up to date with topical health and safety news and events please “Connect” with us on LinkedIn, for find us on Facebook or Twitter.  If you would like to be placed on our future mailing list please contact us.

Action OHS Consulting Newsletter – Building a Safe Workplace Together (September 2013)

Please find Action OHS Consulting’s Septembers 2013 edition of our 4-monthly newsletter Building a Safe Workplace Together.

In this edition, we step you through what to look out for before engaging and then managing contractors; walk you through a current legal ruling that firmly aligns OHS and WHS to the employer, even after the regulator provides an all clear; whilst also untangling the often confusing relationship between the SWMS, JSA, SWP, SOP or TRA.

To stay up to date with topical health and safety news and events please “Connect” with us on LinkedIn, for find us on Facebook or Twitter.  If you would like to be placed on our future mailing list please contact us.

Action OHS Consulting Newsletter – Building a Safe Workplace Together (May 2013)

Please find Action OHS Consulting’s May 2013 edition of our 4-monthly newsletter Building a Safe Workplace Together.

In this edition we provide an overview of our “Safe Workstation Setup Online Module”, whilst delving into what hazards maybe associated with your working environment as a result of winter and reviewing methods to manage workplace stress associated with end of financial year deadlines. In line with our earlier editions of Building a Safe Workplace Together, we have provided an OHS Harmonisation update and a focus on training. Our training focus will support you provide your managers with the skills to implement your health and safety management system.

To stay up to date with topical health and safety news and events please “Like us” on Facebook or “Follow us” on Twitter.  If you would like to be placed on our future mailing list please contact us.

Action OHS Consulting Newsletter – Building a Safe Workplace Together (January 2013)

Action OHS Consulting

Please find Action OHS Consulting’s January 2013 edition of our 4-monthly newsletter Building a Safe Workplace Together.

Following a number of requests made by our clients, in this edition we introduce Action OHS Consulting’s internally developed “Safe Workstation Setup Online Module”, whilst looking into the benefits of OHS strategic planning. In line with our earlier editions of Building a Safe Workplace Together, we have provided an OHS Harmonisation update and a focus on training. Our training focus applies understandings from sport coaching environments into the workplace environment, as we look at the effectiveness of blocked vs. random practice/training in relation to skill acquisition.

To stay up to date with topical health and safety news and events please “Like us” on Facebook or “Follow us” on Twitter.  If you would like to be placed on our future mailing list please contact us.

Action OHS Consulting Newsletter – Building a Safe Workplace Together (September 2012)

OHS ConsultingPlease find Action OHS Consulting’s September 2012 edition of our 4-monthly newsletter Building a Safe Workplace Together.

In this edition we introduce the way forward in OHS Management through Software. We have also included information to support you better manage summer-based workplace hazards and your Christmas events. In line with our May edition, there is an article on Training and an OHS Harmonisation update which may interest you.

To stay up to date with topical health and safety news and events please “Like us” on Facebook or “Follow us” on Twitter.  If you would like to be placed on our future mailing list please contact us.

Action OHS Consulting Newsletter – Building a Safe Workplace Together (May 2012)

OHS Consulting

Action OHS Consulting has recently established a FREE 4-monthly newsletters available to our clients, along with our friends. In the May 2012 edition of Building a Safe Workplace Together we have placed a focus on management of workplace stressors. We have provided an overview of “good stress” vs “bad stress” and covered recent research involving fatigue management and working fathers. In addition, we have provided you with some helpful tips to reduce your workers compensation claims premium.

To keep up to date, with health and safety news as it happens please “Like us” on Facebook or “Follow us” on Twitter. If you would like to be placed on our future mailing list contact us.